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Anant Gupta

So much to do. So little time

I recently turned 23. There are some things that I obsessively want. These are pretty bland, simple and boring things but to each their own.

Professional Goals: I don't really talk about my work much, but it is my first ever job. I am still learning new things about how things work here and this year I would definitely love to master my work and be an important member of the team. I hate being a newbie so my major goal in my work will be to become very good at what I do and be a reliable teammate. There is so much to learn, so much to do. I am very excited for what the year will bring and what I can bring to the table for my team.

Personal: Great we got the professional out of the way, I can't talk much about it. Let's dive into the personal stuff:

Finance: I have huge learning goals in finance. I want to learn more Macroeconomics, specifically inflation drivers and implications, Derivatives, Investing, DeFi and blockchains, automation, ML and quant finance. I have been working towards these goals already and I hope I will be a much more learned man this year. I have taken it upon myself to measure my own household inflation this year. No idea what I am doing but will figure it out (hopefully). It is not an easy task to measure my own household inflation, let alone a whole city, state or country. There is so much misinformation and misunderstanding about these things and I would want to learn more. Maybe I will write a post about my inflation project if it succeeds. But yeah, I want to able to make smarter decisions about money. I would also like to be more financially independent than I am. That pretty much sums up my finance goals.

The Gym: Hit new PRs. I am still a very weak lifter (sadly, and I still give out fitness tips haha) but would like to hit the 200 kg deadlift, 150 kg squat and a 120 kg bench in the next 2 years. These are just arbitrary numbers, but I would like to get there. I have putting in the work. Another thing I would like to do sometime in the future is to run a full marathon, an idea I have been obsessed with. I once ran 30 kms in 2 hours as a challenge, but never ran a full marathon and my running just got tapered as life got in the way. Now I just lift and do relatively very low running. Would also like to increase my protein intake which has not been satisfactory at all. But I would like to do all of this in the next 2-5 years.

Others: Nobody really reads my website other than me, but I would like to keep blogging and writing random useless stuff down. It is fun. I enjoy it. Will make a separate post on this. I do struggle with ideas many times on what to write, but it is fun to have my own website. I have never cared much for followers or site visits. If anything, I'd rather keep this thing anonymous or just known to few close friends who ignore the blog. I have put up some useful finance and fitness guides though. If I can help someone, great. If not, bummer. I did my part and made my contribution because I thought I could add and fill a gap. Let's see if I can keep this thing up for a long time. I would also like to play some sports like Football, Basketball or Cricket again. It has been a while. I miss playing sports and hanging out with friends. I miss occasionally travelling to the mountains and trekking like a crazy mad man. Hopefully, things improve soon.

So there it is, a small list of the things I would like to do. Would be great to revisit this next year and see what I actually did.


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