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Anant Gupta

The Tortoise & The Hare

A fun twist on the story & some lessons

Everyone knows the story. Tortoise races the Hare. Hare sleeps. Tortoise wins. Moral: Slow & Steady wins the race. However, this always bothered me. I could not point out what, but it did. Then I read another version of the story (cannot find the source). In this one, the race was about who would be occupying the post of the warning man: The guy who warns people about a forest fire spreading so they can take shelter. Tortoise wins, but when fire strikes he is too slow & everything burns down & animals die. Dark.

I think it really cuts to the problem I had: The lesson was wrong. It should've been: If you don't work hard enough despite having potential, you will be replaced by someone who was not as good. You let ego & hubris get the better of you, and the world burns because of this. The unworthy get into positions of power, important positions where great responsibility lies, and because of this progress is stalled & big damage is done. And this happened because the worthy stood by & let it happen because they did not want to fight but bury their head in the sand. People often have personal biases & agendas to drive & this leads to evil thriving as the greater good gets ignored. Masses get brainwashed into following the pretenders. Indoctrination is almost never broken out of. So, don't be the hare. Do not relax when it matters. Others will pass you otherwise. Grind. Finish the race.


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