Please note that these are just interesting insights and not facts. Always make up your own mind. I also don't agree with a lot of stuff written here, but we learn.
Saving does not finance Investment: Accounting as an indispensable guide to economic theory (Paper at Boeckler)
Why the gold standard is an absolutely terrible system, and why a bitcoin standard is no better. (Twitter Thread)
Here's a thread explaining what happened in Germany 1922: (Twitter Thread)
Why blogging of the best things you can do for your development career, and how to get started: (Twitter Thread)
The Romantic Idea of a Plentiful Past Is Pure Fantasy (Human Progress)
No, Millennials Aren’t Poorer Than Previous Generations (Dollars and Data)
Inflation (Spotify Podcast)
Is Inflation Really 10%? (PragCap)
10 investing lessons from trading legend Stanley Druckenmiller (Twitter Thread)