Photo by Lewis Keegan on Unsplash
I am tired of this. I see people around me everyday obsess over getting some credential, degree or certificate to the point it becomes the sole purpose of their life. I am not going to go into specifics, but instead of actual, practical knowledge, somewhere the focus became earning that piece of paper. Or get a score. I literally had a friend tell me he did not want to read a book but do a course online for, wait for it, a certificate. He did not want to read a very good book that would be far better in this case.
This culture won’t get us anywhere. I am not saying certification or credentials are not important, but when they become the sole focus of your life, we have a problem. In trying to enhance your CV to further your career, you are letting go of the real objective: to do actual work. Then you end up with half baked knowledge. Instead of credentials, focus should be on real world applications of knowledge. I am not going to dive into how this may be the fault of the system or whatever, but it is heartbreaking to see people today only ask questions like: “What courses should I do?” rather than “What should I learn and from where?” No one gets anywhere chasing courses. Rather it restricts you from exploring things on your own because you get a tunnel vision studying for the test or whatever.