Someone told me not to take protein supplements because it is not good. They are wrong
I originally published this on my medium blog. Creating an archive here

Let me first clarify that nothing substitutes good food and you should try to get all your protein for the gym via eating. That being said, it is hard for a lot of people and protein powders are good supplements for this. You do need protein to build muscle.
My problem is with people who tell me not to do it because it is not “natural”. I think they are just jealous of someone taking active steps to lead a healthy lifestyle and get better when they can’t. I am sick and tired of “fit-shaming”. The problem is not with someone working out. At all. There is also an argument that protein powder is actually food since it is just a milk derivative & there's some merits to it.
The same people who tell me this are the same people who smoke and drink alcohol. The same people eat trash from KFC or other restaurants or order crap in. Pizzas, Burgers, Street food like Gol Gappas or momos, Milk Shakes, tea, coffee etc. Their whole life evolves around living for food and taste. Protein supplements are more natural and better than all of these things. More natural than even bread, sauce or noodles, you get my point. I mean, what about modern food is natural anyway? Total hypocrisy. It pisses me off. Follow a healthy lifestyle people and push your fitness. Don’t put others down for trying to be better.
And look, I get it: Often these supplements are shady and may be tainted with anabolics. That is a risk. We need to be careful & get stuff from reputable companies. Does not mean you stop trying to find good stuff. The same thing can be said about any food. You don’t know what kind of chemicals or pesticides were used. There is nothing wrong with supplementing a little bit as long as you eat healthy otherwise.
Almost all of world's top athletes & lifters take some form of protein outside of their food & it works just fine. Stop being brainwashed & getting brainwashed. You do whatever it takes to fulfill your dietary requirements.