Stop whining.
I keep seeing this posts on LinkedIn whenever I login to that godforsaken site. "Influencers" or whatever writing motivational content on why unpaid internships are unfair and should be illegal blah blah blah. I am here to tell you not to fall for these posts hunting for likes. Just ignore them. You don't intern for paychecks. You intern because you lack experience and the internship will help you get exposure to how things work in real world.
I was never paid for an internship at Tata Steel or Anand Rathi. I don't care. I loved working at both these places. I will always be grateful to them for giving me a chance and providing me with amazing learning opportunities. I will always cherish my time there and the projects I got to work on, the people who were willing to help me knowing I was only there for 2 months. That experience paid off later.
And yeah I know the retort: "YoU aRe wOrKiNg. YoU cOmE fRoM pRiViLeDgE. blah blah blah." I can tell you most of these people complaining about no pay seem to be from rich background themselves. Forget that, you are doing an unpaid internship precisely to gain the experience to be able to earn later. You are in a tough financial spot, I get it. But a small paid internship won't fix it.
Focus on learnings and the lessons, not pay in internships. Skills first. Give it your all.